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Showing posts from December, 2016

10 facts from Indian mythology that would reaffirm your faith on Mass amnesia!

  -Shishir Kumar India is a land of mystery. When we add ancient to the current Indian map the mystery gets graver. How were we 4000 years ago? Literature here take us on a mystical journey into our missing past that looks exactly like the one we are living today. Read and get a serious jolt to rethink if we are missing our yesterday or we are living a time loop! 1. Dasaavtra - Theory of evolution   While the rest of the world waited for Theory of evolution till 19th century, India had it since 3138 BCE. The Dasvtara is about the incarnation of the Hindu God Vishnu. According to it God incarnated on earth the following sequence - Fish (Water dweller), Turtle (water and Land Dweller), boar (Land dweller), Narshima (Half human half animal), Dwarf (The undeveloped human), Parshuram (the hunter), Rama (homo sapiens) the ninth Krishna was portrayed as the smarter upgrade while the ninth that is yet to come shall be responsible for the destruction of Eart...